Mr. Mortgage Lender

A Real Estate Rebranding For Mr. Mortgage Lender

Client Name

John Yurkovich

Completion Date

May 26, 2021


Real Estate

Client Needs & Challenges

A branding Tune up and more...

Mr. Mortgage Lender…

Color Development

Development Notes

In building and refining a color palette for Mr. Mortgage Lender, we decided the savvy businessman was where we wanted to start. Basing our hues on a classic dark navy with powder blue pinstripes gentleman’s tweed suit. The vibrant and distinguished crimson red tie was the perfect accent that also reflected the client’s outgoing personality.

Logo Development

Final Logo

Development Notes

Building a logo that could be scalable and easily recognizable across platforms was our top priority. Knowing that the logo would be used in smaller-sized advertising media such as digital banners and social media ads, we had our work cut out for us. Even though color development, we were aware that keeping a business professional style, almost classic salesman-ish, is where we wanted to finish.

Starting from small home thumbnails and almost a cartoonish salesman, we quickly worked to build a logo that incorporated the “M” of the business in a symbolic manner. Thus, the idea of making the “M” a home wearing a suit, which co-aligned with our sales-themed color palette, created an easily recognizable logo that the client loved. The MML stylized logo works well at any scale and is easily recognizable in single or multi-color builds.


Social Media

The social media brand of Mr. Mortgage Lender was one of our top priorities when we had first begun working with the client. Social media presence plays a significant role, both in branding and real estate in recent years. Making sure MML had a diverse range of content posted weekly in conjunction with their social media ads was of the utmost importance.


Social Media Management Strategy

Our strategy of boosting posts relating to our primary ad played a huge role in increasing lead generation. Our mix of content included posts such as inspiring real estate quotes, recently closed homes, and a variety of informational loan graphics that supplemented our ad campaigns. The increase in quality of content posts helped increase the total average of weekly follows and likes per post as well.

Web Design

Key Website Features


Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes.

Final Campaign Platforms

Google Ads, Instagram Ads, Bing Ads, Linkedin Ads

Campaign Strategy

Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes. Here are the development notes.

Client Solutions

Avg. Monthly Visitors

+ 0

From Starting benchmark

New Leads Generated

+ 0

From Starting benchmark


0 %

From Starting benchmark

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